How to enable silent installation mode
By default, our installers work in an interactive mode. But now silent mode is available also.
The silent mode is very helpful for corporate clients with a Site license who want to automatize software installation processes.
The install parameters required for silent installation:
/SILENT - runs the installer in silent mode (The progress window is displayed)
/VERYSILENT - very silent mode. No windows are displayed.
/ALLUSERS - Instructs Setup to use administrative install mode. The applicaton will be installed to All Users folder.
/CURRENTUSER - Instructs Setup to use non-administrative install mode. The applicaton will be installed to the Current user's folder.
Please note: /ALLUSERS or /CURRENTUSER parameter must be added to the command line.
/DIR="x:\dirname" - overrides the default install directory.
/licensekey=<key> - apply license key.
Example - Install the program silently and apply license key automatically:
mongodbmanagerpro_inst.exe /verysilent /allusers /licensekey=M0hMYTErWlVQM2ZjSWo1WG9TZ3dtR3o0NkdJZ...
mongodbmanagerpro_inst.exe /verysilent /currentuser /licensekey=M0hMYTErWlVQM2ZjSWo1WG9TZ3dtR3o0NkdJZ...